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Discover Serene & Curated Inspirations with Melissa Dayton Art and Design

Oooh look what I found on Amazon!

Melissa Dayton Art

Updated: Apr 27, 2024

Two years ago we moved into the house on the river that we now call home.

Its only 5 minutes from the house in the beach town where we raised our children, but it's very different. Its quiet, peaceful and has beautiful views.

The architectural style of this house is different from the first. The other was a Dutch colonial with a barn roof, this one is mid century. I think what shocked me most about moving to this house was finding the right tone that matched our family-- without buying a whole new house of furniture. Some of our antiques had been in storage, and while at first they didn't quite fit, now they make sense....

I think that happens with art and pieces that have a history. They become apart of the home and set the tone even if they aren't directly in line with the style of the architecture. Making choices for furniture that matches your style and the vibe of your family is more important that matching everything perfectly as if the house was going to be on HGTV.

Most often eclectic is better because it tells a story.

This beautiful piece was my husbands grandmothers. Its the only thing we wanted when she passed away. It has a place of honor in the dining room....which was not where it was in the old house.

Its enjoying beautiful sunlight and is close to where I sometimes work, which brings some peace and reflection while I paint.

The China cabinet was my grandmothers. It also had a very different spot in the other house that it was made for. I thought about getting rid of it but, it has all our crystal from our wedding and the little Mass set that our son (the priest)made in art class in 3rd grade. The other kids made pinch pots...he made a mass set haha. If you know any priests, ask them about things they did in their childhood.

But lets go back to the move and the extra cost of the nick knacks and extra furniture. It definitely adds up, but you still want to have things to help your home be that place where memories are made.

I found some great things on Amazon this week that go nicely with my new Navy Marsh collection.

Ill list them below with links

Straw bag...not a house decor statement piece--but you HAVE to have one in the summer around here. I have been looking for weeks for a reasonably priced one...I found it! $23.99 that's 1/3 of what I've seen in shops around here

Hydrangeas (silk)...every shingle style beach house or 'coastal grandma' I know has at least 1...some line driveways and porches with them. They are an iconic favorite. Only $18.99

Ginger jar lamp... Chinoiserie (English design inspired by Japanese and Chinese art) is another must have in our area. They are classic and never go out of style. Funny...they are coming back into style. This beautiful lamp is $71.99

Chinoiserie fun. If you like something updated and the lamp isn't quite your style. These ceramic orbs are so versatile! Put them in a bowel, on a try, on the mantle. Anywhere you might put a bowl of fruit...or in a crystal bowel you never use, get that baby out and put these in them. Or go rustic and put them in a basket. $26.99

Let me know if you like these ideas and please send me yours to share!

Don't forget to check out my Navy Marsh Collection on Spoonflower

and see some Navy Marsh Merchandise (tote bags <3) in my Etsy shop

Til next week

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